Bigg Boss 13‘s Shehnaaz Gill surprises her fans by sharing a beautiful picture from her latest Photoshoot. The actress looks absolutely stunning in this new urban chic look. Shehnaaz Gill enjoys massive fan following on social media. It’s been almost five months Bigg Boss 13 has over, but the actress is still ruling the hearts of millions of fans.
Shehnaaz kept sharing pictures and videos of herself to keep fans entertained. The actress often shared interesting and fun-loving captions along with her pictures.
Just while ago, Shehnaaz shared a beautiful picture of herself from her latest Photoshoot along with a interesting caption. The actress can be seen setting some major fashion goal in this new urban chic look. She looks stunning in this off-shoulder sky blue top and a floral red scarf around her neck. Undoubtedly, Shehnaaz is a complete stunner in terms of looks and style.
Sharing the picture on her Instagram handle, Shehnaaz asked her fans about her new urban chick look. She wrote, “Being cool is when you win, you don’t get too happy and when you loose, you don’t get too mad. So .. what do you think of my new look … urban chic ? N cool enough ?.”
Well, Shehnaaz fans are already mesmerized by her new looks and flooded her post with lovely comments and praises.