Superstar Salman Khan hosted show Bigg Boss 14 is just few days away from its finale. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to bring new twists and turns in the house. The contestant who’re currently competing for the Bigg Boss 14 trophy are Rubina Dilaik, Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni, Nikki Tamboli, Rakhi Sawant.
In Yesterday’s Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 14, host Salman Khan gave a glimpse of the season 14’s glittery trophy. The trophy looked shiny blue and quite stylish. It will be taken home by the the winner of this season. When Salman shown the trophy to the contestants, they all went ‘Wow’. It is studded and has Winner – Bigg Boss 14 written on it.
Have a look at the BB 14 Trophy:
Meanwhile, in upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 14, we will see Radio Jockeys (RJs) inside the house. They will ask some difficult questions from housemates related to game. From Rahul Vaidya, Nikki Tamboli to Rubina Dilaik, Aly Goni all housemates fill face some questions from RJs.
(Image Source: Twitter-Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV)