The ongoing track of Harshad Chopda-Pranali Rathod starrer YRKKH revolves around Abhimanyu reaching Jaipur in search of Akshara as he hears her voice on phone call. Abhimanyu fails to find Akshu due to Dr Kunal, who distracts him by taking him away from Akshara’s room. Kunal has vowed to not let Akshara meet Abhimanyu till Maya’s concert.
In the upcoming episode we will see Abhimanyu confronting Maya regarding her song and tells her that he knows that the song isn’t sung by her. Maya panics thinking that her truth will gte exposed. Later, Abhimanyu meets with an accident while Akshara sees him unconscious on road side and screams his name in shock. Akshara saves him from accident
ALSO READ: YRKKH: Maya panics as Abhi doubts her voice, Abhimanyu meets with an accident, Akshara to rescue him
Now, as per India Forums, the upcoming track will surely keep the fans hooked to the show. While the fans believe that Abhi will see Akshu soon, Kunal will prevent them from meeting. Meanwhile, Kairav will notice Akshara’s longing for Abhimanyu and will eventually decide to surrender to police for her happiness. However, Akshara will stop him, but his phone will be tracked to a location near the musical event. When Abhimanyu sees the location, he becomes convinced that Akshara is nearby.
As Abhimanyu continues to investigate Maya, Maya starts developing feelings for him. Neil sees Akshara at a live concert singing backstage for Maya.
YRKKH produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Production. The show also features actors like Karishma Sawant, Mayank Arora, Sharan Anandani, Ami Trivedi, Ashish Nayyar, Paras Priyadarshan. Pragati Mehra, Vinay Jain, Neeraj Goswami, Niharika Chouksey, Swati Chitnis, Sachin Tyagi, Ali Hassan and Niyati Joshi among others.
(Source: IndiaForums)