Star Plus’ longest running show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is one of the top rated shows of Indian television. The third-generation of YRKKH stars Pranali Rathod and Harshad Chopda in the lead. The duo is one of the most loved on-screen pair of television right now. The ongoing track of the show revolves around Akshara and Abhimanyu co-parenting Abhir after Abhinav’s death, while Muskan is upset with Abhi’s presence in Goenka house as she still holds him responsible for Abhinav’s death.
In the upcoming episode we will see Akshara singing ‘Dil se bandi ek dor’ song in front of Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu gets emotional as he remembers his past with Akshara how he fall in love with her when he first saw her singing. He reminisces the moment he spent with her and suddenly leaves the place.
Akshara stands confused seeing Abhimanyu suddenly leaving. Abhimanyu goes out and cries as he says he has no right to remember all those memories of Akshara. He feels guilty about those memories as Akshara moved on in life with someone else.
ALSO READ: YRKKH Spoilers: Muskan accuses Abhimanyu for taking Abhinav’s place, Angry at Akshara for replacing Abhinav with Abhimanyu Birla
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’s viewers not happy with the promo as they feels Akshara should have also remembered the time she spent with Abhimanyu. Viewers says they always saw Abhimanyu’s longings for Akshara but she never recalled their past. Fans says that Abhimanyu always loved Akshara and never had other woman in his mind ever since he first saw her. However, Akshara forget her first love and married to Abhinav.
Fans says Abhimanyu is one-woman man as he loved only Akshara all his life. They reprimands makers asking if they wants to reunite #Abhira then they should show Akshara’s side love for Abhimanyu which she completely forgotten.
Fans also slamming Akshu for being cruel towards Abhimanyu and easily forgetting their relationship. A user tweeted, “Him remembering their past isn’t a surprise…. coz he’s a one-woman man. He’s only loved her all his life! Her running down the temple steps & flying hug (Round 3) for Pati #3…. tab kaunsa GIF use karoge???.”
Another one said, “Ak is not with Abhimanyu, but the memories live in his heart. Abhi has the right to remember his past, it’s not a crime. Her singing always evoked memories in him, but Ak doesn’t understand his feelings & doesn’t remember what her voice means to him #HarshadChopda #AbhiRa.”
Have a look at fans reactions
Day 2352 of showing abhi is the ship and always will be. We all know abhi will always love Ak , he’s said it before but how is ak sat there singing so easily and then doesn’t even think why Abhi disappeared ? she’ll probably remember Nav instead?
— Trish ✨ (@Tr1x_5) September 2, 2023
Ak is not with Abhimanyu, but the memories live in his heart. Abhi has the right to remember his past, it’s not a crime. Her singing always evoked memories in him, but Ak doesn’t understand his feelings & doesn’t remember what her voice means to him#HarshadChopda #AbhiRa#yrkkh
— ????????? (@MMargaritaM5) September 2, 2023
Him remembering their past isn’t a surprise…. coz he’s a one-woman man. He’s only loved her all his life!
— Betu’s DOCMAN? (@OG_Dilwale_SirG) September 2, 2023
Her running down the temple steps & flying hug (Round 3) for Pati #3…. tab kaunsa GIF use karoge???
“Ak didn’t let AB fall out of love”
— ChocoSoul (@cocobun010) September 2, 2023
– gav him 1000 reasns to fall out of love
– behavd worse wid him thn he evr did in evry similar situation
– thrashed his existence, REPLACED n DEMEANED HIS LOVE
Yet he held on?
Yet he loves on❤️?
Ofc charger stans won’t get!?#yrkkh
This had to come at some point anyway
— Abhira Birla (@BirlaAbhira) September 2, 2023
But makers we’ve seen Abhi’s POV enough, he didn’t deny his feelings even when Nav was alive
Please show Akshu’s POV tooo
We know Abhi has never fallen out of love, we don’t know what Akshu feels, we want to know #AbhiRa #Yrkkh
— Betu’s DOCMAN? (@OG_Dilwale_SirG) September 2, 2023
Blaming him for her falling out of love?
What kinda love is that??
Need him to ‘fall in love’ …. and blame him for falling out of love? ?
Find a Man who hasn’t fallen out of love despite his love marrying & loving another Man…we will wait ?
He’s getting FBs when he hears that song coz he associates only her with it.
— Betu’s DOCMAN? (@OG_Dilwale_SirG) September 2, 2023
Unlike your Chu who sings the same song for both of her husbands ?
Ab aur munh na khulwao….
Stans of that bitch calling him CH-less…don’t ask for more. Munh chupane ke kaabil nahi rahoge.#yrkkh
YRKKH produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Production. The show stars Karishma Sawant, Mayank Arora, Sharan Anandani, Ami Trivedi, Ashish Nayyar, Jay Soni, Paras Priyadarshan. Pragati Mehra, Vinay Jain, Neeraj Goswami, Niharika Chouksey, Swati Chitnis, Sachin Tyagi, Ali Hassan and Niyati Joshi among others.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)