Star Plus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been grabbing lot of attention with immense drama and twists. The show stars Harshad Chopda-Pranali Rathod in lead. The current track revolves around Manjari learning the truth that Abhir is Abhimanyu’s son and confront Akshara for hiding it for six years. Akshara tells them that her and Abhimanyu’s relationship was over 6 years back. Manjiri lashes out at her while Abhi asks her to focus on Abhir.
Manjari gets emotional seeing Abhir and kisses him. She tries to hug him, but Abhimanyu takes Abhir with himself. Manjari blames Akshara and cries thinking about Abhir’s heart condition as she asks Abhimanyu why he did not tell her.
Akshara and Abhinav returns home and feels scared as they know Manjari will not sit quite. They plan to reveal the truth to family before Manjari could do that. At Goenka’s house, Manish gets angry at Kairav as Muskan’s wedding breaks before it get fixed. Kairav tells his family that he met Raghav before and he is very arrogant and not a right person for Muskan. He states that he will not let Muskan marry a wrong person.
Muskan thinks that Kairav might likes her as he tries to protect her. Abhinav learns about Muskan’s wedding not getting fixed and gets shocked as they reaches Goenka house. Swarana comes there and tells Akshara-Abhinav of all the drama that happened. Other hand, Abhimanyu apologizes to Aarohi for hiding the truth from herabout Abhir.
ALSO READ: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: Manjari creates ruckus at Goenka house as she reveals Abhir’s truth
At the same time, Manjari in hurry leaves for Goenka house. Abhimanyu rushes to stop Manjari from creating drama at Goenka house. Manjari creates massive ruckus as she reveals Abhir’s truth. Whole family comes down seeing Manjari late night while Manish asks her what is the problem. Manjari looks at Akshara with anger and lashes out at everyone for hiding the truth.
Manish asks Manjari what truth she is talking about while she reveals that Abhir is Akshara and Abhimanyu’s son and not Abhinav. This leaves everyone shocked while Manish confronts Akshu if it’s true or not. Manjari vows to take Abhir back with herself. She reprimands Akshara as well as Abhinav for being a part of Akshu’s lies. Akshara gets angry and defends Abhinav saying he has been a great father. In heat of the moment, she tells them that her and Abhinav’s relationship was only for name sake. Abhimanyu gets shocked learning this.
YRKKH produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Production. The show stars Karishma Sawant, Mayank Arora, Sharan Anandani, Ami Trivedi, Ashish Nayyar, Jay Soni, Paras Priyadarshan. Pragati Mehra, Vinay Jain, Neeraj Goswami, Niharika Chouksey, Swati Chitnis, Sachin Tyagi, Ali Hassan and Niyati Joshi among others.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)