Star Plus longest running show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is grabbing lot of attention with its interesting twists and turns. The TRP of the show is increasing with each passing week. The show stars Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod in lead as Abhimanyu-Akshara. The duo is winning everyone’s hearts with their sizzling chemistry in the show and AbhiRa is currently one of the most popular onscreen pair on television.
The latest episode saw Akshara getting angry at Abhimanyu and she reaches his room through a ladder. She angrily confront Abhimanyu about whatever he’s hiding, but he gets scared seeing her at the room’s window that too on a ladder. Other hand, seeing Abhimanyu shirtless, Akshu gets bit distracted. She then asks him to come with her and after that the two leaves from there on a bike.
AbhiRa’s ladder romance, Akshu’s anger and Abhimanyu’s shirtless avatar is making fans crazy. Fans are gushing over Harshad-Pranali’s hot and sizzling chemistry. A fan wrote, “This scene.. the way he fell after hearing his name n her. Abhi this is just beginning… from now on of u hide things frm her better be ready for the consequences.. Coz she is akshu kaira’s daughter.. She does what she thinks. Man they looked really hot #yrkkh#AbhiRa.”
Have a look at the tweets right here:
Harshad chopda swag and pranali catwalk ladies and gentlemen ???#yrkkh #HarshadChopda #AbhiRa #YehRishtaKyaKehlataHai #pranalirathod #AbhimanyuBirla
— ALsHaYmA ? (@alshaiema) February 10, 2022
This scene.. the way he fell after hearing his name n her?❤?
— abhirayrkkh (@abhirayrkkh) February 10, 2022
Abhi this is just beginning… from now on of u hide things frm her better be ready for the consequences.. Coz she is akshu kaira's daughter.. She does what she thinks?❤
Man they looked really hot?#yrkkh #AbhiRa
Oh god that walk,,that style ,,that attitude?♥️??
— ?Cherry Blossom ishvi? (@CherryB75468193) February 10, 2022
So so perfect beautiful scene ??
From today white and pink color became my favorite ???
??ABHIRA??#AbhiRa #Yrkkh#YehRishtaKyaKehlataHai
#Abhira #yrkkh
— AS (@RareStone_) February 10, 2022
He didn't leave her hand for a sec
The trust he had on his GIRIJA?
Akshu shocked seeing his behaviour ?
The way he took his shirt ?
YRKKH produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Production. The show also features actors like Karishma Sawant, Mayank Arora, Sharan Anandani, Ami Trivedi, Ashish Nayyar, Paras Priyadarshan. Pragati Mehra, Vinay Jain, Neeraj Goswami, Niharika Chouksey, Swati Chitnis, Sachin Tyagi, Ali Hassan and Niyati Joshi among others.
ALSO READ: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: Fans in awe with Akshara-Abhimanyu’s adorable hugs and understanding; Calls it ‘Magical Bonding’- See Reactions
(Image Source: StarPlus)