Superstar Salman Khan hosted show Bigg Boss 14 is creating lot of buzz on social media. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to introduce new twists and turns. Currently, the contestants who are competing for the trophy are Rubina Dilaik, Jasmin Bhasin, Rahul Vaidya, Eijaz Khan, Abhinav Shukla, Nikki Tamboli, Sonali Phogat and Aly Goni.
Along with housemates, the ex-contestants who entered as challengers in the house are also competing for the trophy – Arshi Khan, Rakhi Sawant and Vikas Gupta. Rubina Dilaik, Rahul Vaidya, Jasmin Bhasin, Eijaz Khan & Aly goni are one of the most strongest contestants of this season. They all enjoys massive fan following on social media and winning audiences hearts with their amazing personality and performance.
Rubina Dilaik, Rahul Vaidya and Jasmin Bhasin are the top most contestants of this season with strong personality and massive fan following. If we go by popularity then the top three finalist of Bigg Boss 14 will be Rubina, Rahul and Jasmin. So guys, according to you who is the most deserving contestant to win the BB 14 trophy among Rubina, Rahul and Jasmin? Vote Below!
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ALSO READ: VOTE NOW! Bigg Boss 14: Who will get EVICTED This week? Rubina, Aly Goni, Jasmin or Abhinav Shukla
(Image Source: Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV)