Ekta Kapoor’s most popular show Kasauti Zindagi Kay actor Cezanne Khan is currently making lot of headlines. In a recent interview Cezanne Khan has opened up about getting married, a US-based Pakistani woman Aisha Pirani, has alleged that she was married to Cezanne in US, in between 2015 to 2017.
In a recent interaction with Times of India, Aisha Pirani has spoken out about her marriage with Cezanne Khan. She accused Cezanne Khan for cheating on her and using her for obtaining green card. Pirani has also alleged that Cezanne was living on her money and the time when he gets the green card, he filed for divorce.
Aisha said, “I don’t care if he gets married 50 times over now, but why is he hiding the fact that he was married earlier? He cheated on me and used me to obtain green card in the US and lived off my money. The moment he got the Green Card, he filed for divorce.”
Aisha has further said that she and Cezanne had met at her husband’s house in Mumbai. She had problems in her first marriage and at the same Cezanne started showing love and affection towards her. She claimed that she divorced her first husband because of Cezanne. After divorce Cezanne moved to US with Aisha. She said, “He hid our marriage from his mother saying she wouldn’t approve of it, being an orthodox woman, who would want a younger daughter-in-law. I let the matter go since I was in love with him, until the second year of our marriage when he began chatting with his former girlfriend. When I objected, he started fighting with me.”
Aisha has also written to immigration authorities US and Mumbai police that Cezanne has two passports with different date of birth. She also has screenshots in which Cezanne has abused her.
Now, Cezanne reacted to this whole matter and denied all the allegations that are made on him. He said, “I was never married to her. This is a case of an obsessive fan. It’s irrelevant to talk about such people. She is just trying to gain publicity through me. She is the sister of my cousin’s wife who lives in Karachi, that’s how I know her. I have no idea about any marriage certificate. She morphs a lot of stuff. She has been posting messages on social handles for two to three years and my fans have been asking me whether all this is true. There is a limit to obsession and this is going overboard now. The fact that she was married to me and we are now divorced is her fabrication. I haven’t said anything to her because I know she is obsessive.”
Reacting on screenshots, he said, “Screenshots are easy to fabricate. She is trying to gain publicity through me and if she has a problem, she should go to court.”
Image source: Cezanne Khan Fan page