Colors TV show Udaariyaan is garnering immense love from viewers. The show is keeping the viewers stick to their screens with exciting twists and turns. The show stars Ankit Gupta, Priyanka Choudhary, Isha Malviya and actor Karan V Grover in pivotal roles. The ongoing track of the show revolves around Fateh exposing Jasmine’s evil deeds that she did to get him back in her life. Fateh destroyed Jasmine’s biggest dream of life by burning Canada’s tickets and passports.
Fateh also shocks Jasmine by revealing that their marriage was fake. On the other side, Tejo thinks that Fateh-Jasmine are happily married and might have reached to Canada now where they will begin their new life.
Meanwhile, Tejo reveals to her Father that her engagement with Angad was fake. She tells him that she wants to live alone for sometime away from family where her painful past doesn’t trouble her. Angad takes Tejo at his house away from family. Tejo meets Angad’s daughter there.
While Jasmine goes to Sandhu house after getting ditched by Fateh, Rupy restricts her entry in the house. He laughs at Jasmine after she reveals how Fateh left her at the airport and their marriage was also fake. Jasmine finally got the taste of her own medicine.
In the upcoming episode we will see Fateh breaking down in tears as he misses Tejo after realizing his mistakes. Fateh wants to see Tejo happy and moving on in life. Buzzo meets Fateh on the way and tries to consoles him seeing him heartbroken. Fateh tells Buzzo that he’s going away from family and Tejo’s life and asks him to not tell anyone about his whereabouts. On the other hand, Rupy doesn’t allows Jasmine to enter Sandhu House, hence she secretly tries to enter Virk house.
Udaariyaan, produced by Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta under their production banner Dreamiyata Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. & Devirosh Films. The show also stars actors like Lokesh Batta, Chetna Singh, Virsa Singh Riar, Abhishek Kumar, Ram Aujla, Rashmeet Kaur Sethi, Abhiraaj Chawla among others.
ALSO READ: Udaariyaan Big Twist: Jass Unmasks Jasmine’s Real face in front of Fateh
(Image Source: ColorsTV)