Actor Ankit Gupta, who’s grabbing lot of attention with his portrayal of Fateh in Colors TV show Udaariyaan, has now opened up on the TRPs of the show. The show is produced by popular ITV couple Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta under their production banner Dreamiyata Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. & Devirosh Films. Udaariyaan also stars Priyanka Choudhary and Isha Malviya in pivotal roles, who’s playing the characters of Tejo and Jasmine.
In a recent interaction with India Forums, Ankit spoke about the TRPs of the show, he said, “It’s overwhelming to know that the efforts that the entire team is putting in is yielding positive results. Not only the actors, the writers, direction and the entire production team is working hard to deliver the best in their capacity and the show getting appreciation in the form good rating makes us all feel very positive and rejuvenated. It motivates us to do even better. I hope, wish and pray that the audience keep showering their love and affection on the show and keep watching the show on TV.”
The show is receiving a good response from audience. The current track of the show revolves around Fateh accepting Jasmine’s apology and dating her. Fateh is in a dilemma as he is confused between Tejo (his wife) and Jasmine.
Talking about the on going track, the actor told the portal, “Fans are quite furious on Fateh and they should be. As I said, I am angry on Fateh too. But it was always a love triangle and I always knew that this is going to happen. I feel bad while doing those scenes. I feel bad for Tejo thinking that Fateh will break her heart.”
(Image Source: AnkitGupta)