Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejasswi Prakash recently reunited with her former co-star Rohit Suchanti on the set of Naagin 6. The duo had work together in show Rishta Likhenge Hum Naya and become good friends since then. Rohit, who is currently seen in Ekta Kapoor’s show Bhagya lakshmi, shared a stunning video with Tejasswi Prakash grooving to Akon’s viral song Bananza (Belly Dancer).
Sharing the video on his Instagram handle, Rohit captioned his post as, “We are two mad people , it’s always madness when she’s around. Naagin dances really well (sic).”
Have a look at the video:
Rohit has constantly shown his support to Tejasswi when she was locked inside controversial house and was rooting for her win. When Tejasswi lift the BIgg Boss 15 trophy, Rohit had shared a post congratulating her. He wrote, “Congratulations for the BB win and for being the new NAAGIN. Good luck and go HISS EVERYONE, you deserve it all and never ever let your niceness die.”
ALSO READ: Tejasswi Prakash on trolls calling her ‘fixed winner’ as she bagged Naagin 6; ‘Ekta Kapoor ma’am would have taken me as Naagin irrespective of the BB 15 result’
(Image Source: RohitSuchanti)