Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput breathed his last on 14 June 2020. The young talented actor’s tragic demise has left the entire nation saddened. Since Sushant Singh Rajput‘s untimely death, his fans has been asking justice and demanding CBI inquiry as they suspects foul play in late actor’s suicide case.
Now, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s suicide case has taken a new turn after the late actor’s father KK Singh has lodged an FIR against actor’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. Sushant‘s father accuses Rhea for extorting money and abetting actor to suicide.
Amid all this, Sushant Singh Rajput‘s sister Shweta Singh Kirti shares a post on her Instagram handle remembering late actor and talks about getting justice for him. She wrote, “If truth doesn’t matter, nothing ever will! #justiceforsushantsinghrajput.”
Take a look at her post:
Actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on 14 June 2020 after hanging himself to death in his room at his Bandra residence. The postmortem reports of the actor revealed that he died due to asphyxia because of hanging.
Mumbai Police haven’t recovered any suicide note at the place. However, police is still investigating the case and interrogating people close to Sushant. Till now, police hs recorded the statements of over 40 people in late actor’s suicide case.