Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla, who’s currently busy in shooting of Ekta Kapoor‘s AltBalaji‘s much awaited web series Broken But Beautiful 3, is having sleepless nights owing to the constant shoot of web show. The handsome hunk is busy in a nonstop shoot schedule that he has had no time off at all.
In fact, as per SpotboyE reports, Sidharth who is known to follow a sleep schedule and sleep on time has been shooting back to back nights for Broken But Beautiful 3. Sidharth and BBB3 team is indeed working hard on the web-series.
A source close to the production told SpotboyE, “We have had 12 AM to 12 PM shifts after which Sidharth rather than sleeping takes a small nap and then hits the gym for his workout. We’ve hardly seen Sidharth sleep for 2-3 hours everyday and post that he’s working out, attending to script readings for his upcoming projects and constantly caught up in work.”
In the web series, Sid will be seen opposite Sonia Rathee. The actor will be seen essaying the role of a theatre director Agastya Rao, who is nursing a broken heart, will eventually fall in love with Rumi (Sonia Rathee). The web show also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh. The release date of the web series yet to announced. The filming of the romantic drama is currently in progress.
(Image Source: Instagram-ALTBalaji)