Ahead the release of the music video Waada Hai, the makers of the song has shared another glimpse of Shehnaaz Gill and Arjun Kanungo. The is set to release on 5th of November, tomorrow. The duo has recently dropped the poster of the music video ‘Waada Hai‘ and their chemistry looked amazing.
Fans are already super excited to see their sizzling chemistry in the music video. Now adding more to their excitement the makers of the song has shared a beautiful picture of Shehnaaz Gill and Arjun Kanungo. The two seen lost deep in each other’s eyes and looking adorable together in the picture.
Take a look at the Post:
“Every time our eyes meet, my heart skips a beat.” ❤️ Drop a ? if you can’t wait for #WaadaHai! @arjun_kanungo @ishehnaaz_gill @manojmuntashir #VYRLOriginals #ArjunKanungo #ShehnaazGill #Shehnaazians #2DaysToGo pic.twitter.com/kfnsYon6z2
— VYRL Originals (@VYRLOriginals) November 3, 2020
The music video Waada Hai, sung by Arjun Kanungo himself and music also given by him. The lyrics of this beautiful romantic track written by Manoj Muntashir.
Are you guys excited to see the Duo together in the Music Video? Let us Know.
ALSO READ: Shehnaaz Gill and Arjun Kanungo looks Adorable in This Latest Picture from their Music Video ‘Waada Hai’
(Source: Twitter)