Star Plus popular show Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani is currently witnessing the wedding sequence of Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha Aka Shaurya and Anokhi. The duo is grabbing lot of attention with their sizzling chemistry. Fans are in love with Shaurya and Anokhi‘s adorable jodi and fondly calls them #ShaKhi.
So far, we have seen how Anokhi comes to know about Shaurya‘s master plan that he’s not getting married to Shagun. Anokhi gets surprised, as well as happy knowing that Shaurya is marrying her. While the couple enjoys their wedding rituals with family, a new trouble knocks Anokhi‘s door.
Anokhi get to know that her final exam dates has been preponed and it will be on her wedding day. This problem is created by Tez, so that Anokhi can’t marry Shaurya. On the other hand, Anokhi gets tensed about her marriage and exams as she wants both in her life.
Later, Anokhi gets emotional in front of Shaurya and informs about her exams. The family gets worried. However, Anokhi gets the support of everyone and she rushes to give her exams. Anokhi in her bridal look attends her paper and worries to reach home on time.
Now, in the upcoming episode, Ahir will informs everyone that the route via which Anokhi is supposed to come is jammed due to traffic. Tej warns Shaurya that if Anokhi gets late then the wedding won’t take place. The family gets tensed. But it seems like Shaurya doesn’t want lose Anokhi at any cost as he reach college along with family. And, the duo will get married in the college.
Well, it will be interesting to watch how Shaurya will reach college on time to get married to Anokhi.
Till then enjoys some BTS pics from sets shared by fans:
— Nargish?Not Your Barbie girl ? (@NargishAnsari3) June 27, 2021
Just for fun #ShauryaAurAnokhiKiKahani
She looks ETHEREAL!??❤?
— ✺ᴘs_sʜᴀᴋʜɪ | ᴛᴇᴀᴍ sʜᴀᴋʜɪ (@R_positivevibes) June 26, 2021
(Well you can keep adding more words??)
And and anddddd you cannot miss that sindur fallen on her nose!!?????♥️♥️♥️✨✨#ShaKhi #ShaKhiKiShaadi #ShauryaAurAnokhiKiKahani
Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani is produced by DJ’s Creative Unit. It stars Alka Kaushal, Falaq Naaz, Sooraj Thapar, Pankaj Kalra, Khalid Siddiqui, Deepa Parab, Harsh Vashisht and Reema Worah. The show is a remake of Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Mohor.
(Image Source: Twitter-ShaKhi, Anokhifans, StarPlus, Hotstar)