Star Plus popular show Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani is currently witnessing the wedding sequence of Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha Aka Shaurya and Anokhi. The duo is grabbing lot of attention with their romantic chemistry. Fans are in love with Shaurya and Anokhi‘s adorable jodi and fondly calls them #ShaKhi.
After a lot of trials and tribulations, the lead pair has finally got married in the show. And now, Shaurya–Anokhi‘s fans are trending #ShaKhiKiShaadi on Twitter showing their excitement for their wedding. Fans are super happy as their favorite on-screen couple got married.
Showing their excitement, a fan wrote, “Finally Shaurya & Anokhi got married today. Their journey that started in SIAC went thru so many ups & downs, but destiny brought them together as husband & wife in the same place SIAC where their story began! #shakhikishaadi #ShauryaAurAnokhiKiKahani.”
Another user wrote, “Literally this is the first show in the itv showing such reality content the story is the best in fact the first promo of this show was inspirational and from that day to today we all have face everything and today we finally got #shakhikishaadi SAAKK you’re emotion not show.”
Have a look at the post right here:
Finally Shaurya & Anokhi got married today. Their journey that started in SIAC went thru so many ups & downs, but destiny brought them together as husband & wife in the same place SIAC where their story began!#shakhikishaadi
— Itsnam (@Itsnam11) June 28, 2021
no one:
— ? (@chefanaitaasays) June 28, 2021
Shaurya in the mandap: "zaroor slave vs. feudal society mein problem aayi hogi!"
look at professor sahab being all analytical about his shining star's weak points literally seconds before he gets hitched!
Literally this is the first show in the itv showing such reality content the story is the best in fact the first promo of this show was inspirational and from that day to today we all have face everything and today we finally got #shakhikishaadi SAAKK you're emotion not show❤
— Mahi thakkar (@Mahithakkar5) June 28, 2021
this cap!!
— prats?| team shakhi | (@sunsethuex) June 28, 2021
taking vows of togetherness infront of the SIAC logo, the place which has been a witness of their beautiful journey.
SIAC, thankyou ♡
From running away from her wedding to marrying d man who fell for her strong headedness n fighting nature, our ANOKHI has come a long way
— akshara (@AksharaSrivas12) June 28, 2021
She iz a perfect eg of how ur dreams choose uh when u choose them prior to everything else#shakhikishaadi @Debattama_sah @karanvirsharma9
(Image Source: Instagram-SAAKK, StarPlus, Hotstar)