Star Plus popular TV show Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani starring Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha in lead has recently went off-air. The show produced by DJ’s Creative Unit was premiered last year in December. It’s not even a year for the show’s premiere and the makers has pull the curtain down. The show has received immense love from viewers and fans loved the on screen chemistry between Shaurya and Anokhi.
The duo has won millions of hearts with their sizzling chemistry in the show. Well, Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani has finally gone off air but the trend of getting the show back with new season has constantly been going on every social media platform.
Now, fans are trending FansDemandSAAKKS2 late night on Twitter requesting makers to bring new season of their favorite show. A fan tweeted, “A unique SHOW A stellar CAST! An extraordinary power packed PERFORMANCE from everyone! They became a family and they also included us! They have only spread happiness. For the first time ever REEL felt REAL this is the power they hold #FansDemandSAAKKS2.”
Have a look at the tweets right here:
A unique SHOW A stellar CAST! An extraordinary power packed PERFORMANCE from everyone! They became a family and they also included us! They have only spread happiness. For the first time ever REEL felt REAL this is the power they hold #FansDemandSAAKKS2
— Mim2495 (@ShaKhiFan2495) August 6, 2021
Karanvir Sharma and Debattama Saha we’ve seen you grow as an actor everyday in the serial Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani Everyday they have outdone themselves they just became a better version of themselves May you shine brightest in your careers Long way to go #FansDemandSAAKKS2
— Mim2495 (@ShaKhiFan2495) August 6, 2021
— Fireflies ✨✨ (@Fireflies8888) August 6, 2021
His journey towards light was adaptation of thoughts to BRING CHANGES in the SOCIETY.
Her walking in the dark was HOPE & INSPIRATION to them who doesn't dare to dream.
So the story needs to be told again.#FansDemandSaakkS2
One reason I can never tire writing about ShaKhi is them both, who put a little bit of themselves into the characters they play!
— Gowri (@Gowri_tweets) August 6, 2021
Guess that’s what made Shaurya & Anokhi touch our hearts. Karan & Deba’s love for their characters. #FansDemandSAAKKS2
This show has created a history ! Loved this show most because of its realistic approach and The Beautiful Love story it portrayed ! It gives us Shakhi ❤️ #FansDemandSAAKKS2
— Mandeep ( Team Shakhi ❤️) (@Mandeep06061448) August 6, 2021
Thank you ShaKhi for giving us devir
— Priya ?? (@BabesPatiyala) August 6, 2021
And thank you devir for giving us ShaKhi
Ab Jldi screen par wapas aao #FansDemandSAAKKS2
We are slowly climbing up!!
— Lavanya S Ishwaran (@lavanya15) August 6, 2021
Big shoutout to crazy SAAKK family!!
Keep up the good work people!!#FansDemandSAAKKS2
As reported by SpotboyE, Karanvir recently commented on the love that he has been receiving from fans. The actor said, “I have to say that the fans of Shaurya and Anokhi are the best. The show went off air a few days ago but the number of requests for us (Team SAAKK) to have us back in Season 2 is elating.”
(Image Source: Twitter-SAAKK, StarPlus, Hotstar)
1 Comment
I am so sad becuase of end saakk …waiting for new start…