Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani actress Debattama Saha, who grabbed lot of attention with her portrayal of Anokhi in the show, has opens up on her bond with Imlie actor Sumbul Touqeer Khan. Debattama and Sumbul met on the sets of Sony TV show ‘Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein’. While the show went off air, their bond remained stronger as ever.
Recently, Sumbul visited the sets to meet her bestie Debattama. Both the girls had lot of fun and shared many pictures of their reunion. Now, In an interaction with India Forums, Debattama Saha spoke about her friendship with Sumbul. The actress said, “Well, we’re not the kind of friends who meet very often. We don’t, but when we do, there’re firecrackers. It’s too much fun to connect with Sumbul. She has a great energy to lighten up the atmosphere. She keeps teasing me and it’s always fun to be around her.”
Speaking about her first meeting with Sumbul, Debattama said, “So, we met on the sets of ‘Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein’ wherein on the first day we got introduced to each other. Since I look quite young, she thought I’m younger to her or may be of same age. She confidently spoke to me and I was observing her antics. She further asked me about my age and when I revealed the same to her, she freaked out and apologized as she didn’t know I was elder to her. I still clearly remember her facial expression when she learned about my age. Post the incident, the ice between us broke and we laughed and bonded really well.”
Debattama further shared her thoughts on Sumbul playing titular role of Imlie, she said, “Sumbul is a perfect pick for the show and character. She is a phenomenal actress and I’m proud of her. She has also been very supportive of my line of work. She always had good things to say about the show. Both of us try to support and motivate each other to do better.”
(Source: DebattamaSaha)