Popular TV actor Shaheer Sheikh got married to Ruchikaa Kapoor in November 2020. The duo had a registered marriage and both announced this good news by sharing pictures about the same on their respective Instagram handles that left everyone happy and excited.
Yesterday, Shaheer and the love of his life, his wife Ruchikaa Kapoor has completed six months of their wedding. The couple is celebrating the 6 months of togetherness by sharing a romantic picture on their social media handles. Sharing the love-filled post on Instagram, Shaheer captioned it, ‘6 months and counting #togetherness‘, while Ruchikaa wrote, ‘Better Together, 6 Months of Togetherness & a Lifetime to Go #TheGirlWithCurls #MadMe #MadUs #ForeverLove.’
Have a look at the post right here:
As soon as Shaheer shared the post, his fans, followers and his ITV friends/actors like Kushal Tandon, Hina Khan, Mohsin Khan, Pooja Banerjee, Arjit Taneja, Gautam Rode among others flooded the comment section with love and cute emojis.
Have a look at the comments right here:
(Image Source: Instagram-ShaheerSheikh)