The first season of the Indian Idol featured Anu Malik, Farah Khan, and Sonu Nigam at the judge’s panel. Back then, Raghu Ram had auditioned for the same. He ultimately left the judges unimpressed. After his performance, the judges shared their thoughts. At that time, Anu Malik’s response did not go down properly with Raghu Ram, who commented on the singer as ‘impolite.‘
Read about when Farah Khan referred to him as a ‘hypocrite’ for over Anu Malik’s impolite tone on Indian Idol season 1. Raghu Ram was featured in Farah Khan’s directed film Tees Maar Khan. During the shooting, he refreshed the filmmaker’s memories on one of his viral Indian Idol auditions. He confirmed Farah Khan in the viral clip; however, the filmmaker couldn’t stop calling him a ‘hypocrite.
Speaking with Indian Express, Farah Khan recalled, “He confirmed it to me, and I stated you listen, you bloody hypocrite, you’ve been doing Roadies for years wherein you’re shouting at human beings, abusing human beings, and doing dangerous things to them.
So, why did you got so upset? But, I suppose it is pretty amazing to look at that and to realize that ‘oh, he got there to audition then.'” For the recall, Raghu Ram began out his audition by stretching first. He then sang ‘Aaj Jaane Ki Zid Na Karo,’ which left the judges unimpressed.
They criticized this song and wondered about Raghu his stretching act, which he referred to it as a ‘hassle.’ Farah had then requested if it turned into a ‘making a song hassle’ to which Raghu stated, “It’s a hassle in my body, please don’t make fun of it.”
Later, while Anu Malik cited that despite stretching his making, a song no longer improved. To which, Anu Malik lightly replied, “Mere kehne ka Matlab yeh hai ki AAP GAA nahi sakte, mere hisaab se AAP Mumbai nahi aa sakte.”Raghu Ram, who wasn’t thrilled with Anu Malik’s tone, informed him, “Toh aap yeh baat kameez se bhi bol sakte hai.”
He added, “I idea he turned into impolite. I wouldn’t say I like human beings being impolite to me. I am positive you don’t like human beings being impolite to you.”
The throwback audition video suggests how the judges shared their opinions. Meanwhile, later, Raghu Ram had stated that the audition turned into a prank.