Here is some of the most popular contestant of Salman Khan‘s controversial reality show Bigg Boss, who’s ruling the social media like a KING after show ended. Bigg Boss contestants includes Sidharth Shukla, Asim Riaz, Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni, Eijaz Khan. They all enjoys immense popularity and is ruling the hearts of millions of fans.
Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla is one of the most popular celebrity on Indian entertainment industry. The actor enjoys massive fan following on social media. He has a huge fanbase called ‘SidHearts‘. Sidharth is not much active on social media but still rules every platforms like a king. This is all because his fans who keeps hyping him on every social media platform. Sidharth is one of the most trending celebrity on social sites.
Asim Riaz, Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni & Eijaz Khan has also gained huge fan following and ruling the hearts of millions of fans after their stint in the reality show. From project announcements to sharing pictures and videos from events & vacations or gym, the trio posts everything that they loves to do on social media. Asim, Rahul, Aly Goni is much active on social media and keeps interacting with fans. According to you guys, Who is an ultimate social media King among them? Tell us in the poll section below.
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(Image Source: Instagram)
Sidharth ??
Sid ?
Of course Siddharth Shukla ??????
Sidharth shukla only, he is big boss of big boss.
Siddharth Shukla the macho man
why not added Abhinav Shukla …HE is doing fantastic in social media even nowadays at no.1 …this is totally not fair.
king of heart #sidharthshukla
sidharth shukla
sidharth shukla