Here’s Televisions three most popular shows which has recently witnessed new male parallel lead entry-Anupamaa, Imlie, Udaariyaan. Star Plus highest rated show Anupamaa starring Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma, has witnessed the entry of actor Gaurav Khanna. He is playing the role of Business man Anuj Kapadia who is Anupama’s college friend. He is playing Anupama’s love interest in the show. Fans are loving the onscreen chemistry of Gaurav and Rupali in the show.
Star Plus show Imlie also witnessed the entry of actor Fahmaan Khan. He is playing the role of Business man Aryan Singh Rathore, who is a new CEO of Bhaskar Times where Aditya Tripathi works. The show stars Sumbul Touqeer Khan, Gashmeer Mahajani and Mayuri Deshmukh in pivotal roles. Fahmaan is seen opposite Sumbul Aka Imlie in the show.
Colors show Udaariyaan is one of the most loved show on television and getting immense love from viewers. The show stars Ankit Gupta, Priyanka Choudhary and Isha Malviya in pivotal roles and recently actor Karan V Grover also joined the main cast. He is playing the role of Business Tycoon Angad Maan, who is a investor in Virk’s sports academy. Karan is playing Tejo’s love interest in the show.
As we are talking about the new male leads, we thought of asking fans about their favourite new entry. So guys, Which is your favourite new male entry on ITV? Tell us in the poll section below:
I love Anuj there is no other one like him his character is gods gift to women…
Aryan Sign Rathore (ASR) Fahmaan Khan is the bestestestest best of the best. His attitude, mannerism, dialogue delivery, acting skills (just kills), smile, personality, actions scenes and dance are FAB !!! Trust me guys, you gotta check him once !!