Colors TV show Naagin 6 starring Tejasswi Prakash, Simba Nagpal and Mahek Chahal in pivotal roles, keeping the viewers hooked with interesting twists and massive drama. The ongoing track of the show revolves around Pratha who kills Ritesh-Rehaan taking her revenge. Shesh Naagin aka Pratha was about to kill Urvashi and Mahek but she learns the truth from them that her daughter is alive whom they have hided somewhere.
Urvashi and Mahek traps Pratha in a dangerous net while she prays to lord shiva to save her life and show her the path to find her daughter. She asks Lord Shiva to show his Rudra avatar and take her to her daughter. Huge storm comes and Pratha spits fire from her mouth and vows to find her daughter and punish Mahek, Urvashi.
Further, Pratha meets professor and tells him how Mahek betrayed her. The professor tells her about the harm happening in Kedarnath while Pratha vows to save Kedarnath and not let Mahek, Zang and Urvashi win in their evil plan. Pratha as Kiara reaches home and tells Rajesh that her daughter is alive and she have to find her. She also informs him about the big blast that will happen at Kedarnath and says that she have to save everyone.
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Other hand, Rishabh meets ministers who asks him how he is alive. He recalls how he let everyone think that he died so he protect India better by staying under cover. Mahek and Reem then reaches Kedarnath where Mahek opens the secret door. Urvashi and Zang along with their goons enters the Kedarnath from secret door opened by Mahek. Urvashi and goons plans to attacks as they sets the weapons. Pratha too reaches Kedarnarth and sets the Urvashi’s weapons tent on fire. Urvashi gets scared while Pratha kills all goons and attacks Urvashi.
Meanwhile, Rishabh sees Mahek setting a bomb in the temple and puts gun at her saying she is under arrest. Before Rishabh can catch Mahek, she reveals him that Pratha was pregnant when she went jail and they have a daughter. She tells Rishabh that Pratha considers him the culprit. Rishabh gets shocked learning the truth while Mahek hits Rishabh’s head and he falls unconscious.
Furthermore, Pratha tortures Urvashi and tells her that when she will take her naagin avatar, then she will die. Urvashi gets shocked and remembers her mother’s curse who once said that when she will take her Naagin avatar she will die in 24 hours. Urvashi pleads in front of Pratha aka Shesh Naagin to spare her.
In the upcoming episode we will see Rishabh risking his life to fight nation’s enemies. He throws away the bomb saving everyone’s life. Rishabh and Pratha finally meets each other at Kedarnath. Other hand, Mahek frees Yeti from the cage so that he attack Shesh Naagin and others except her.
Naagin 6 produced by Ekta Kapoor under her banner Balaji Telefilms. The supporting cast includes Manit Joura, Reema Worah, Bakul Thakkar, Urvashi Dholakia, Sudha Chandran, Abhishek Verma among others.
(Image Source: ColorsTV)