Naagin 5 spin-off TV show Kuch Toh Hai: Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein is all set to go off air in less than two months. It stars Krishna Mukherjee and Harsh Rajput in the lead roles. The show also stars Vaishali Thakkar, Resham Tipnis, Manini Mishra and Naveen Saini.
As per ETimes reports, the makers of the show will telecast its last episode on March 21. Kuch Toh Hai started on Feb 7 but did not garnered good TRP ratings, hence makers has decided to end it soon.
A source told ETimes, “The entire crew is aware of the development since a week now, but they were all waiting for an official confirmation.”
Despite other shows with lower ratings than Kuch Toh Hai, the news comes across as rather sudden. The source further added, “In current times, anything is possible. When a show does not connect with viewers, makers believe that it is better to pull the plug than give it time. It is very sad for the entire team, they are naturally upset.”
Earlier, the supernatural and fantasy shows have connected with viewers. In fact three seasons of Naagin have been massive hits, But the ratings started dipping from the 4th season onwards. The source lastly added, “That’s perhaps why they decided to explore another theme and hence went into the story of vampires. But this clearly didn’t click. We have to continue trying newer concepts. It is important to that we experiment with new things.”
(Image Source: Instagram-Colors TV, Voot)