Midway is an upcoming American war film based on the story of the attack on Pearl Harbor. And the subsequent Battle of Midway during World War II. Directed by Roland Emmerich, He produced the film with Harald Kloser and written by Wes Tooke
The film features an ensemble cast, including Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson, Luke Evans, Aaron Eckhart, Nick Jonas, Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid and Woody Harrelson.
The Movie follows the story of US Navy sailors and aviators who persevered through the tragedy of Pearl Harbor. The elation and daring of Doolittle‘s Raid, and finally, the Battle of Midway itself. A turning point in the Pacific Theater of World War II.
The film is based on the real-life events of this heroic feat, tells the story of the leaders and soldiers. Who used their instincts, fortitude and bravery to overcome the odds. The film Midway is scheduled to released on November 8, 2019.