Star Plus’ show Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali starring Shivangi Khedkar and Sai Ketan Rao, is winning the hearts of viewers with its interesting storyline. The viewers are loving the on-screen chemistry of Shivangi-Sai Aka Pallavi and Raghav and fondly calls them #RaghVi. Produced by SOL Productions and Sandiip Films, the show is based on Star Maa’s Telugu series Gorintaku.
The track ahead has gotten extremely interesting and has grabbed a lot of eyeballs in recent times. In an interaction with India Forums, Shivangi spoke about the stereotypes and dramatization on Indian television.
When she was asked if she feels any sense of conflict while performing scenes and how does she deal with it, the actress said, “That happens a lot of times on a serial’s set because you get the screenplay a day before and then you are performing it the next day. Of course, there will be flaws and you’ll be performing certain scenes and you have to deal with it. But what I do is I come and go to my director and I don’t move until he gives me a motive as to why something is happening, even if it is something as simple as a woman picking a cup. So that’s how we improvise a story or add on some things and make it convincing for us, so yes, my directors help me out with those things.”
Talking about how any show starts off with a certain story, and highlights women, she said, “So what is happening right now is that there are simultaneous stories running, but definitely, Pallavi has grown now. She always used to talk for herself, not see any injustice happening but now, it is more about her and she has realized that she has to live a life, she has a husband, who is somewhat the way he is, but she is still keeping calm and she is going against her parents if need be when something is wrong, so I think Pallavi is growing. I have no complaints with the character right now, but when doing a serial, there are certain things you want. If I was writing a show, I would be selfish and write it about myself but there are so many people and they need to be present and that is fair. People will love to see what Keerti is doing or what Mansi is doing. TV serials are a place where female leads are given chances and they are given importance, and it is only fair.”
(Image Source: Instagram-ShivangiKhedkar)