Star Plus’ show Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali starring Shivangi Khedkar and Sai Ketan Rao in lead, has been making lot of headlines with its interesting storyline. Fans are loving the on-screen chemistry of Shivangi-Sai Aka Pallavi and Raghav and fondly calls them #RaghVi. The show is Produced by SOL Productions and Sandiip Films, and it is based on Star Maa’s Telugu series Gorintaku.
In a recent interaction with India Forums, Sai Ketan Rao, who’s receiving lot of love from fans for his portrayal of Raghav Rao, spoke about the success of the show and what he wishes to explore ahead. When he was asked about the change in story, and what he feels is the reason that the show is thriving, Sai Ketan said, “Change in the story is as per the project, we do make changes here and there but eventually, it comes in a very beautiful manner and people are loving that. They are enjoying the story, the suspense, and the thrill as well as the drama that comes along.”
The handsome hunk further added, “Our inner strength, our inner goals, and the focus as well as the vision that we have as a whole team, the makers of the show, the actors, and the directors. Each and everyone has a good fighting spirit, or firing spirit for that matter, thinking that they want to keep the show running. It is not a one-man show, it is a team job, and that is keeping us running.”
Talking about what is he looking forward to next, Sai said, “There’s so much more to explore, there is only a climbing ladder for me and there is a lot for me. I want to do different genres, including crime, suspense, thriller, horror, love, and I want to do different roles. Raghav Rao, will obviously be a very very iconic role for me because it is very close to me.”
(Source: India Forums)
(Image Source: Instagram-SaiKetanRao)