Star Plus show Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali is one of the most loved show on Television. The show has been making lot of headlines with it’s interesting twists & turns. It stars Shivangi Khedkar and Sai Ketan Rao in lead, who is playing the role of Pallavi and Raghav respectively. The viewers are loving their on screen chemistry and fondly calls them #RaghVi.
The current track of the show has the viewers glued to their television screens. Meanwhile, in an interaction with India Forums, actress Shivangi Khedkar spoke about the scenes in which she got carried away. She also reveals the scenes that are really close to her heart. The actress mentioned that there were a lot of scenes where she got emotional. She says that in daily soaps, the females have a lot to portray, be it with the emotions or exploring her relationships with other family members and loved ones.
She quoted saying, “When I read certain scenes, it takes me to another world. It’s like a trance when I’m reading the screenplays. I remember a scene between Pallavi and Sulochana wherein she tells her that a woman doesn’t become less righteous or sanskari, if she speaks for herself and takes a stand for herself. It was like expressing and representing the females as Pallavi speaks about society always judging a girl when she stands up for herself and discriminates between right and wrong. That scene, I felt like a girl talking inside me and I wanted to express the same.”
The actress added, “Another scene that got me really affected was a scene between Pallavi and Aai (Sharda). Aai enters Pallavi’s room and Pallavi tells her about the problems in her life. Pallavi lays her head on Aai’s lap and expresses the issues and cries. In that scene, I legit cried, I don’t know what exactly got to me. May be because I was away from my mother for a long time. So, yes that scene also I can recall vividly.”
Lastly, Shivangi added, “The scene where Pallavi is thrown out of house has been one of the very difficult scenes. I got a lot of appreciation for the same. Pallavi gets framed and she tries to prove her innocence. She asks the family to trust her and not pay heed on the proves that are against her. It was quite an emotionally draining scene as I was supposed to emote the same emotion in different variation, which is a tedious task but with the help of my Director Shahnawaz and the DOP, I managed to pull it off pretty well. I’m glad that the viewers have liked that scene”.
Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali is produced by SOL Productions and Sandiip Films. The show is based on Star Maa’s Telugu series Gorintaku. It also stars Ashok Phal Dessai, Sameer Deshpande, Asmita Ajgaonkar, Snehal Reddy, Priyanka Dhavale, Rutuja Sawant, Karan Manocha among others.
(Source: India Forums)
(Image Source: Instagram-ShivangiKhedkar)