Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani starrer film Laxmmi Bomb received lot of backlash from Hindu community for its title. The film landed in controversy after Hindu Sena wrote a letter to Prakash Javadekar, who’s the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, demanding the change in the film’s title. Now, Akshay Kumar‘s horror-comedy film Laxmmi Bomb is titled as Laxmii.
Now after the change in title, Akshay Kumar shared the new poster of the film Laxmii featuring Kiara Advani. Sharing the poster, Akshay wrote, “Ab harr ghar mein aayegi #Laxmii! Ghar waalon ke saath taiyaar rehna 9th November ko! #FoxStarStudios #DisneyPlusHotstarMultiplex #YehDiwaliLaxmiiWali.”
Have a Look at the new poster:
The letter by Hindu Sena reads, “If our demand is not fulfilled, all my Hindu Sainiks shall protest against this movie outside every Cinema hall where this movie may be screened across the nation. I request everyone belonging to the Hindu community to boycott the movie if the movie title is not changed before the release.”
It further reads, “The name of the movie is highly derogatory and offensive in nature, the name of Hindu Goddess Laxmi, the goddess of fortune and wealth has been used in the movie title along with the word Bomb which is unacceptable to the Hindu community. In the said name of the movie, Bomb word has been used to provoke the Hindu community.”
Speaking of film, the trailer of horror-comedy film Laxmii had recently dropped online and received a great response from viewers. Akshay‘s transgender character has created lot of buzz. Laxmii all set to premiere on 9th November on Disney+ Hotstar VIP.
Also Read: After Facing Massive Backlash, Akshay Kumar Upcoming Film Laxmmi Bomb’s Title Changed to ‘Laxmii’
(Source: Twitter, Akshay Kumar)