Param Singh, who grabbed lot of attention with his portrayal of Ahaan in Sony TV’s popular show Ishk Par Zor Nahi, has shared that he was initially shocked with the decision to shut the show mid-way. IPZN was went off-air abruptly because of low ratings on television.
Talking about Ishk Par Zor Nahi going off-air, Param Singh told The Times of India, “It is very unfortunate that good concepts on TV are not able to get a rating. The show was a rage online but ratings-wise it couldn’t do it well. The irony is that experiments in concepts of shows do not work on the small screen. The cliched stuff only works on television. The makers are selling what is being bought. People who come up with real concepts and organic stuff do not work. Going by the ratings of shows, the Indian TV audience is still very regressive,” as reported by The Times of India.
The actor added that he is happy to have been a part of a show like Ishk Par Zor Nahi and they got an extension despite the low ratings and while he was shocked, he did move on eventually. Param says, “I am happy to be part of a show like Ishk Par Zor Nahi. I shot for the show for eight months and we did get an extension despite low ratings but then the show suddenly stopped. Of course, I was shocked for a couple of days but then I moved on. And I am not okay doing routine saas-bahu sagas. The reason why I have chosen this field is that I like it. For me, money and fame have always been secondary. I like being part of good shows. Even the shows that I have been a part of in the past have been really different. I want to be challenged as an actor with the projects. I want to be smart in my choices – sometimes I fail sometimes I succeed. I am ready to wait.”
Param was seen opposite actress Akshita Mudgal in IPZN and fans loved their equation as Ahaan–Ishqi in the show. The duo won many hearts with their sizzling on-screen chemistry. The show was produced by Gul Khan’s production company Four Lions Private Limited and Deepti Kalwani.
(Source: The Times of India)
(Image Source: Twitter-ParamSingh)