Popular ITV actress & Bigg Boss 14 winner Rubina Dilaik is all set to make her Bollywood debut with film titled Ardh, directed by Palash Muchhal, alongside actor Hiten Tejwani. Bigg Boss 11 fame Hiten has previously worked with Rubina in TV show Choti Bahu and now after a long gap the two are reuniting.
While the shoot of the film is yet to began, actor Hiten Tejwani opened up about his upcoming film in an interaction with SpotBoyE.com. He did not revealed much about the film Ardh, the actor shared, “I really like the subject of this film as it is very different and nice. I can’t reveal much about it. But it’s something that you see happening in daily life. And it’s something different and nice.”
Speaking about his role in Palash Muchhal‘s directorial, Hiten said, “I cannot share much about my role. But as the title says, it will be on the lines of half men and half women. I play a character who is based in Mumbai and one can relate to it.”
He further talked about working with Rubina Dilaik, Hiten said, “Rubina and I haven’t started shooting yet. But yes, she is an experienced actress. She has done popular shows like Choti Bahu, Shakti and has won Bigg Boss 14. I am looking forward to working with both Rubina and Rajpal Yadav.”
(Image Source: HitenTejwani, RubinaDilaik)