Star Plus’ Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been making lot of headlines nowadays. The show stars Ayesha Singh, Neil Bhatt, Harshad Arora in key roles. The ongoing track revolves around Sai and Satya getting married while Bhavani goes to Satya’s house to bring back Savi. Sai refuses to let her take away Savi while Virat also comes there and stop Bhavani.
As Bhavani leaves with Virat, Amba comes home asking Satya who’re people outside their house. Bhavani recognizes Amba’s voice and gets shocked seeing her back after long time. Bhavani-Amba comes face-to-face while Amba reveals that Bhavani is her elder sister.
Bhavani insults Amba for her past deeds and call Satya a illegitimate son. She insults Amba’s profession of being a dancer and asks her who’s the father of her son. Satya gets angry at Bhavani while Sai stops him and Virat takes Bhavani back home. Amba shatters and cries after hearing harsh words from Bhavani while Satya and others consoles her.
At chavan house, Sonali and Ashwini look surprised learning that Amba is Bhavani’s sister. Sonali calls Satya a relative to their family and more like a Virat’s brothers. However, Bhavani tells them that Satya is nothing to Virat as Amba died for her when she destroyed her family’s reputation.
ALSO READ: Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Major face-off! Bhavani insults Amba as she goes to her house to bring back Savi
Further, Ashwini asks everyone about Pakhi who has not been seen since morning. Harini tells everyone that she has not seen Vinayak also since morning. Virat tries to find Vinu and wonders if Pakhi has once again taken Vinayak with her. He panics as he looks for Vinu everywhere in the house. He then goes to terrace and sees Vinu crying inside tent house. Virat asks Vinu what happen, while he pushes him away and tells him that he hates him and everyone else as because of them Pakhi left him.
Ashwini sees Pakhi’s letter and tells everyone that Pakhi has left the house. Virat gets shocked to see the letter how Pakhi has left and blamed him and his family members. Bhavani and Virat gets angry at Pakhi for leaving the house and Vinu. Virat goes to search for Pakhi.
In the upcoming episode we will see Vinayak getting emotional and calling Sai telling her that Pakhi has left him alone. He tells Sai that she has promised him that she will not let his family break apart and asks her why Pakhi left him. Sai stands shocked and asks Vinayak to calm down and assures him that Pakhi will come back soon.
Vinayak cries inconsolably while Sai tells him that she is coming to him as she asks him to stop crying. Sai reaches Chavan house leaving Virat shocked and angry. Sai tells him that she has come to meet Vinu as he is not well. Angry Virat calls Karishma asking her to tell Sai that she is not allowed in the house nor can she enter.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)