TV and film producer Ekta Kapoor introduces the lead cast of her ALT Balaji‘s web series Broken But Beautiful. The 3rd season of web series stars Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee as Agastya & Rumi. This will also marks Sidharth‘s debut on OTT platforms. The filming of the web series will begin soon.
The first two seasons of Broken But Beautiful were starred Vikrant Massey and Harleen Sethi, who played Veer and Sameera. Ever since the the makers has unveiled the cast of the web series, Sidharth‘s fans are going crazy over it as their wait has finally over. Fans are Trending “SIDHARTH SHUKLA X BBB3” since evening showing their love and support to Sidharth‘s new project.
Sharing the excitement a fans wrote, “I have not seen the previous season of #BBB but surely I will watch #BrokenButBeautiful3 and it’s only for our boy. Bcoz it’s his debut as a Romantic Hero in a web series. Eagerly waiting for seeing his Romantic Avatar again. SIDHARTH SHUKLA X BBB3 #SidharthShukla.”
One user wrote, “With you entering into the digital world our happiness has no bounds! patiently and anxiously waiting for this for months and Got this as a gift in your Bday month! Since 6PM our face has been full of smiles and eyes sparkling! Love u @sidharth_shukla SIDHARTH SHUKLA X BBB3.”
Have a look at the tweets by Fans:
I have not seen the previous season of #BBB but surely I will watch #BrokenButBeautiful3 and it's only for our boy. Bcoz it's his debut as a Romantic Hero in a web series?
— Shari (SidHeart_Boy)? (@SheriSmoky) December 3, 2020
Eagerly waiting for seeing his Romantic Avator again ?
✨bbb x bbb3 parallels✨
— aashi? (@aashiiixo) December 3, 2020
bbb is so close to my heart and you @sidharth_shukla making a comeback as an actor from this show makes it so much more special for me. i’m already in love with agasthya and rumi can’t wait feb 14. best of luck♥️
Sidharth is looking so confident in the promo.. he has full faith on his fan army.. whatever happens we will support and defend him and his craft at all costs always.. he knows this and his confidence stems from this fact 🙂
— Atul Sid♥️ (@HeartAtul) December 3, 2020
With you entering into the digital world our happiness has no bounds!
— Sanjuu Sidheart❤ (@MeSanjuStansSid) December 3, 2020
patiently and anxiously waiting for this for months and Got this as a gift in your Bday month!
Since 6PM our face has been full of smiles and eyes sparkling!
Love u @sidharth_shukla
ALSO READ: Broken But Beautiful 3 Teaser: Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee to play Agastya & Rumi in series; Filming begin soon
(Source: Twitter)