Today, on the special occasion of Christmas, Many TV and Bollywood celebs took to their social media handles and extended their wishes to fans and well-wishers. TV celeb like Rashami Desai, Jasmin Bhasin, Shehnaaz Gill, Arjun Bijlani, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Ankita Lokhande and many more wishes their fans Merry Christmas.
Rashami Desai took her Twitter handle to wish her fans Merry Christmas. She wrote, “It’s the season to Sparkle & Shine, may this Christmas bring you and your family eternal warmth and happiness! Always remember to believe in your ‘elf’ and no matter the consequence, make sure you always ‘sleigh’ #RashamiDesai #MerryChristmas #Rashamians #ImMagical.”
Have a look at the posts by Celebs:
Rashami Desai
It’s the season to Sparkle & Shine, may this Christmas bring you and your family eternal warmth and happiness! Always remember to believe in your ‘elf’ and no matter the consequence, make sure you always ‘sleigh’ ??#RashamiDesai #MerryChristmas #Rashamians #ImMagical✨???♀️
— Rashami Desai (@TheRashamiDesai) December 25, 2020
Shehnaaz Gill
Merry Christmas❤️?
— Shehnaaz Gill (@ishehnaaz_gill) December 25, 2020
Jasmin Bhasin
Merry Christmas you beautiful people ??✨?? #TeamJasmin #BB14 #JBinBB #BiggBoss14 #JasminBhasin #JBinBB14 #MerryChristmas #Christmas #Christmas2020
— Jasmin bhasin (@jasminbhasin) December 25, 2020
Arjun Bijlani
Devoleena Bhattacharjee
Ankita Lokhande
ALSO READ: Happy Diwali 2020: Sidharth Shukla, Hina Khan, Shehnaaz Gill, Ankita Lokhande & other celebs wishes fans on special occasion
(Image Source: Instagram-Rashami Desai, Shehnaaz Gill, Arjun Bijlani, Devoleena)