Bigg Boss OTT winner Divya Agarwal, who came out of the controversial house on Saturday after Finale, got to know about Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla‘s sudden passing away and was shocked with the tragic news. Sidharth left for his heavenly abode on September 2. His death left everyone shocked and shattered. Sidharth along with Shehnaaz Gill had visited the Bigg Boss OTT house as guest and interacted with all the contestants including Divya Agarwal.
After coming out of the Bigg Boss house, Divya Agarwal shared a post on Twitter remembering the late actor Sidharth Shukla. And now, in an interaction with SpotboyE, Divya has expressed grief on actor’s untimely demise. The actress said, “While we were shooting for the dance performance inside the house, I got to know of him leaving us. I can’t tell you how much I held myself as the performance we were shooting was quite grand. And looking at the chaka chaund around me for two minutes, I got numb and started thinking that even if I or somebody else wins, what is the use of this name and fame when life is so unpredictable? A person will go when he has to go. So those kinds of thoughts were crossing my heart and mind. But then I also thought that if we don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, at least live today with all good emotions.”
Divya is a big fan of Sidharth and speaking about him, she further said, “For Sidharth, I would just like to say he was my favorite and will always be my favourite contestant. I used to relate a lot with him and I had spoken about it on the stage also when the show was launched and throughout my journey also I kept discussing it. I have respected his journey and the kind of person he was. I am glad before leaving the world he saw how much the world loves him. He got everything he deserved.”
His professional journey has taught me, inspired me and many others in the industry. A shining personality, loving son and a beautiful friend— thats Sidharth Shukla. Those we love don’t go away, they always live through our memories and conversations
— Divya Agarwal (@Divyakitweet) September 21, 2021
(Image Source: DivyaAgarwal)