On today’s Bigg Boss 16 Shukravaar Ka Vaar, we will see host Salman Khan scolding the contestants for their wrongdoings. The makers has shared the new promo of Bigg Boss 16 where Salman Khan seen revealing Soundarya Sharma’s unpleasant remarks about Priyanka Choudhary which left Udaariyaan actress shocked. In the promo, Salman tells Priyanka, “Aapke baare me kisi ne yeh kaha hai. Ki Ankit ki maa apna gala daba degi jab ye bahu ban ke jayegi (Someone has said this about you that Ankit’s mother will suffocate her throat when she becomes their daughter-in-law).”
Further, Priyanka takes Soundarya’s name saying ‘Wow’ in a sarcastic way. Ankit Gupta calls out Soundarya ‘Aap ko kese sanskaar diye hai’. Soundarya says ‘Aap muje mat bataiye’. Later, Priyanka and Soundarya seen getting into massive argument while Ankit takes her aside. Priyanka breaks down in tears while Ankit consoles her saying, ‘Tu aese logo k liy roo kyu rahi hai’.
The channel shared the promo with caption, “Soundarya ki baaton ne dukhaaya Priyanka ka dil, aaj #ShukravaarKaVaar mein dekhenge aap inke beech ho rahi anban.”
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 16 Upcoming Updates: BB praises Priyanka Choudhary, Ankit exposes Tina-Shalin’s love angle as he calls it their ‘game plan’
As per reports, Shreejita De will be evicted this week from BB 16 house. The contestants who were nominated this week was MC Stan, Shreejita De, Gori Nagori, Tina Datta, Shalin Bhanot.
The contestants who’re competing for the Bigg Boss 16 trophy – Gori Nagori, Tina Datta, Shalin Bhanot, Soundarya Sharma, Priyanka Choudhary. Sumbul Touqeer, Gautam Vig, Abdu Rozik, Ankit Gupta, Sreejita De, Manya Singh, Nimrit Alhuwalia, Shiv Thakre, MC Stan, Archana Gautam, Sajid Khan. Bigg Boss 16 airs Monday to Friday 10 PM and Saturday-Sunday 9.30 PM. This year weekend ka vaar episodes airing on Friday and Saturday.
(Image Source: ColorsTV, Voot)
1 Comment
BB 16 is program of bullying and tortured for contestants .contestants who was couple lovers or friendship break off during stay in BB house.why BB needs to separate them? At current ,priyankit,that very nice and loving couple. why needs to torture Priyanka and never give her chance and Mr Salman always demotivated her on air and did not expose others like nimrit,sumbul, saudrya who did wrong to priyanka.priyanka never do any thing to others in the house! She play and try to motivate Ankit because Ankit is her friend for 2 years and still and she support him but Ankit did not supported Priyanka !
On top of that ,all housemates not good to Priyanka because of wanted Ankit to be with them. especially saudrya, which is double face, sumbul the cheeky girl and shameless girl, nimrit the aunty even Tina ! Most of that girls like and attracted to Ankit and wanted to make Ankit their boyfriend. but Ankit slighty getting away from Priyanka on the attraction of those girls who seducing him with all the nice and sexy words. ankit is playful guys and happy with the compliment given by them and carried away and ignore and leave Priyanka who is his buddies and ? Girl friend away with tears and frustrated. ankit leave his buddies and go to new girls in BB house and spent time with em and blaming Priyanka got no time for him.actually Ankit is the one who play Priyanka life and humiliated her on national TV several times. which is not good for Priyanka image in house and outside later on! Ankit is selfish but Priyanka care for him sincerely and she care or him more than herself. ankit hurry Priyanka a lots.
We fans and audience, please BB and makers of this program have to change the main motive to have is program is not to break the realtionship but to test their relationship in nice way and not to break them but make them better like Ankit and Priyanka ,make Ankit to fall in love with Priyanka very very deeply in love so they will confess their love relationship on national TV and outside. wr fans sees that so many sick contestant inside the BB house where the girls are madly interested in making Ankit to separate with Priyanka and be with them. this is not the good culture of India even other countries also.girls in India is well mannered and it is very bad female contestants in BB 16 except Priyanka chahar Choudhury. that is why Ankit is being with her almost for 2 years already ! She is very well mannered person, strong character, sincere, guinine and loyal .not selfish and care for others not only for ankit.so BB please make priyankit together forever. their relationship real and guinine and Priyanka love Ankit and please Ankit to confess his feeling for Priyanka on national TV. let fans and audience information on their status .tq.