Superstar Salman Khan hosted Bigg Boss 16 is creating lot of buzz on social media. From fights and drama To fun and entertainment, the controversial house is grabbing lot of attention. The contestants who’re competing for the BB16 trophy – Gori Nagori, Tina Datta, Shalin Bhanot, Soundarya Sharma, Priyanka Choudhary. Sumbul Touqeer, Gautam Vig, Abdu Rozik, Ankit Gupta, Sreejita De, Manya Singh, Nimrit Alhuwalia, Shiv Thakre, MC Stan, Archana Gautam, Sajid Khan.
Which female contestants you like the most in BB16 house? Tell us in the poll section below:
BB 16 airs Monday to Friday 10 PM and Saturday-Sunday 9.30 PM. This year weekend ka vaar episodes airing on Friday and Saturday.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 16 POLL: Sumbul, Abdu, Priyanka, Ankit, Tina, Gautam, MC Stan, Nimrit-Which contestant you are supporting This season? VOTE HERE
(Image Source: ColorsTV, Voot)
Sumbul is best
Priyanka is best
Sumbul is the best ❤️❤️
Always Priyanka ❤️❤️❤️
Sum ul is the best
Sumbul my favourite
I don’t understand why people are saying sumbul is best. I also used to watch her dhow and i also used to stan her but not anymore guys specially after today’s episode, no one can make her understand and her father also tried even salman sir also. But she still couldn’t understand anything, BUT FOR NOW PRIYANKA IS BEST❤️ AND sumbul needs to improve herself And how can I support her ,she has spent 2 weeks but till now we haven’t seen her playing. Start playing your game sumbul
Sumbul tqueen Khan is the best because she’s kind heart person