Bollywood superstar Salman Khan‘s controversial reality show Bigg Boss 16 is making lot of buzz with immense drama, fights and entertainment. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to bring new twist and turns. The contestants who’re competing for the Bigg Boss 16 trophy – Gori Nagori, Tina Datta, Shalin Bhanot, Soundarya Sharma, Priyanka Chahar Choudhary. Sumbul Touqeer, Gautam Vig, Abdu Rozik, Ankit Gupta, Nimrit Alhuwalia, Shiv Thakre, MC Stan, Archana Gautam, Sajid Khan. Manya Singh and Sreejita De has been eliminated from the show due to less votes from audience. Bigg Boss 16 POLL: Sumbul, Abdu, Priyanka, Ankit, Tina, Gautam, MC Stan, Nimrit-Which contestant you are supporting This season? VOTE HERE
Bigg Boss is always known for it’s controversies, fights, tasks, love, romance, friendships. The show has given us many beautiful pairs and friendship bonds in previous seasons. Some most popular pair who ruled the hearts of fans with their cute and fun-loving chemistry on the reality show are Prince Narula–Yuvika Chaudhary‘s jodi from season 9. Bigg Boss 13‘s jodi Paras Chhabra–Mahira Sharma, Asim Riaz–Himanshi Khurana, Sidharth Shukla–Shehnaaz Gill. BB15‘s Tejasswi Prakash-Karan Kundrra, BB14‘s Jasmin Bhasin-Aly Goni and many others.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 16 POLL: Sumbul Touqeer, Priyanka Choudhary, Archana, Nimrit, Tina Datta – Who is your most favourite female contestant? Vote Here
And now, Bigg Boss 16 is going on and this season also witnessing some love stories inside house. Ankit Gupta–Priyanka Choudhary, who entered the reality show as best buddies, are making lot of headlines with their bond and chemistry inside house. Priyanka said many times on the show that it’s one sided love. Meanwhile, Ankit recently accepted his feeling for Priyanka saying it’s not one sided but two sided. Fans loves their bond and fondly calls them #PriyAnkit. The duo enjoys immense popularity on social media and receiving lot of love and support from fans.
Other than #Priyankit, there is Shalin Bhanot–Tina Datta and Soundarya Sharma–Gautam Vig in the house, who seems to be in love. They all met on the show and slowly came close to each other though many people inside house called Shalin-Tina and Soundarya-Gautam’s love angle as fake. However, they are still together. It will be interesting to watch if their bond grows stronger or not. Which is your favourite pair in Bigg Boss 16? Tell us in the poll section below.