Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu who follows Salman Khan‘s reality show Bigg Boss, keeps sharing her views about the show and contestants every year. Recently, Bipasha took her Twitter handle and criticized Bigg Boss 15 contestant Tejasswi Prakash for age-shaming Shamita Shetty and Shilpa Shetty thanked Basu for calling out what’s wrong.
Bipasha slammed Tejasswi Prakash for calling Shamita ‘aunty’ in the recent episode of Bigg Boss. She added that Teja should resolve issues with her boyfriend Karan Kundrra if she’s so insecure, instead of pulling other women down.
The Raaz actress tweeted, “Age shaming disgustingly ,then saying sorry.. beyond pathetic !If this is a winner for anyone or a role model it’s truly sad. If you are insecure attack your man who makes you feel insecure instead of pulling other women down #biggboss15 #shameful.”
Shilpa Shetty, who is elder sister of Shamita, thanked Bipasha for voicing out what’s wrong. The Dhadkan actress tweeted, “A STRONG WOMAN Is someone who raises other women up instead of tearing them down. THANKYOU @bipsluvurself for always being strong and voicing what’s wrong #respect#ShamitaIsTheBoss.”
Have a look at the post right here:
A STRONG WOMAN Is someone who raises other women up instead of tearing them down. THANKYOU @bipsluvurself for always being strong and voicing what’s wrong ?♥️ #respect #ShamitaIsTheBoss
— SHILPA SHETTY KUNDRA (@TheShilpaShetty) January 27, 2022
In the recent episode of Bigg Boss 15 during hotel task, Tejasswi, as a hotel staff, gave a massage to Karan Kundrra but he wasn’t impressed. He said, “Aisi kaunsi hotel staff hoti hai, yeh bakwaas massage kar rahi hai.”
Later, Shamita went on to give Karan a massage. Tejasswi lashed out at Shamita saying, “It is Karan Kundrra and not Raqesh Bapat. Isse pehle aapne apne task ko kabhi itna seriously nahi liya tha.”
This left Shamita irked and they both got into verbal spat. Tejasswi later commented on Shamita, “Lo aunty chadh gayi us pe bhi.”
Shamita fumes in anger said, “It’s a task and you have no business calling me an aunty.” When Tejasswi apologized for her behaviour, Shamita said, “Learn some respect and then speak to me. I don’t want this conversation with you, you idiot. You seriously need to grow some brains, bloody insecure woman, you age-shamed me.”
(Source: Twitter, SpotboyE)