Superstar Salman Khan hosted reality show Bigg Boss 15 has been grabbing lot of attention with it’s ongoing drama and fights in the house. The contestants are giving their best to reach the finale. Recently, Rajiv Adatia and Ritesh got evicted from the show due to less votes from viewers. Now, the contestants who are competing for the trophy are Karan Kundrra, Tejasswi Prakash, Pratik Sehajpal, Umar Riaz, Nishant Bhatt, Shamita Shetty, Rashami Desai, Rakhi Sawant, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Abhijit Bichukale.
The show is gearing up for its finale and contestants are currently performing tasks to get ‘Ticket to Finale’. Meanwhile we thought of asking fans which contestant do they think will win Bigg Boss season 15. Here’s top three most popular contestants of BB15 by Ormax (December 11 to 17) – Tejasswi Prakash, Karan Kundrra, Pratik Sehajpal. According to you guys, Who will be the winner of season 15? Tell us in the poll section below:
Final Result:
Ormax Characters India Loves: Top 5 most popular #BiggBoss15 contestants (Dec 11-17) #OrmaxCIL#TejasswiPrakash @kkundrra @realsehajpal @ShamitaShetty @realumarriaz
— Ormax Media (@OrmaxMedia) December 18, 2021
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 15 POLL: Karan Kundrra, Pratik Sehajpal, Tejasswi Prakash, Umar Riaz, Shamita-Who’s most deserving to Win the trophy? VOTE HERE
(Image Source: BB15, ColorsTV, Voot)
Prateek doing great
karan kundra is the bestest best in the BB15
Karan Kundrra deserve to win..
He played all task very much well..
He show his leadership quality..
He gentleman, humble, genuine, & caring parson BB 15 house..
We all love him & always support him..
Pratik deserves to win
Unlike karan who always use bal ka prayog
Unlike teja who is thali ka?
Unlike umar who is a follower
Please Bigboss don’t give the trophy ?karan Or tejaswi just bcoz they r the colors face and celebrities… Please just coz pratik is unknown don’t do that JANTA love him
We don’t want fake relationship of tejran
Pratik deserves to win???