TV actor Vishal Kotian has been making lot of headlines right now because of his participation in the popular controversial reality show Bigg Boss 15. The Birbal actor entered the Salman Khan’s show on Sunday, grand premiere night. Before entering the BB15 house, Vishal in an interview recalled the time he spent with ‘Bigg Boss 13‘ winner/actor Sidharth Shukla.
During his interaction with Bollywood Spy, Vishal revealed that Sidharth‘s last project is with him – a music video named ‘Jeena Zaruri Hai Kya‘. He also mentioned that the song will be released while he is inside the BB15 house.
Vishal said, “Sidharth Shukla’s last project is with me. We both had shot for a video in Odisha and the song is called ‘Jeena Zaroori Hai Kya’. We play brothers who fall in love with the same girl. The music video will be out while I am inside the Bigg Boss 15 house and it will touch millions of hearts. I wanted Sidharth to release the song inside Bigg Boss 15. But we never get what we want.”
In another interview, Vishal revealed that he knew Sidharth since before they became actors. He said, “We used to ride a bike together and play ‘gali’ cricket. Sidharth and I were very close to each other. His demise came as a shock and really, it’s unfortunate, but then that is a reality we have to accept. His death taught me that life is too short to hold grudges, so just move on. This time, I am dedicating my ‘Bigg Boss 15’ call to Shukla. This is for you Shuklaji.”
Sidharth Shukla‘s last rites was done at the Oshiwara crematorium on September 3. The actor is survived by his mother and two sisters. His last public appearance was on Karan Johar hosted show Bigg Boss OTT & Colors’ dance reality show Dance Deewane 3 with close friend Shehnaaz Gill. Sid’s last project was the web series – Broken But Beautiful 3.
(Source: SpotboyE)
(Image Source: VishalKotian)