Salman Khan hosted show Bigg Boss 14 is heading towards its finale. The show will soon witness the ‘Family round’ next week wherein contestants’ friends and family will enter the house as their connections to support them. Recently, there were reports that Rakhi Sawant’s mysterious husband Ritesh will enter the house as her connection.
However, as per latest reports in Times Of India, Not Ritesh but former Bigg Boss winner Vindu Dara Singh is expected to enter the controversial house as Rakhi Sawant‘s connection. A sources close to the show informed the portal that Vindu will be going inside the house to support Rakhi. He’s apparently in quarantine and expected to enter Bigg Boss 14 house by next week. Eijaz Khan will also likely return to the show by next week.
Apart from him Jasmin Bhasin is entering the house for Aly Goni, Jyotika Dilaik (sister) is entering for Rubina, Vikas Gupta for Rahul Vaidya and Arshi Khan‘s brother for her will be seen entering the house in the family week task.
(Image Source: Twitter-Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV/Instagram-Vindu Dara Singh)