Finally, India’s most popular reality show Bigg Boss has begun after a long wait. Host Salman Khan has launched the Bigg Boss in a grand style. During the grand premiere, Salman Khan introduced all the new Contestants who will enter the controversial house including Jasmin Bhasin, Sara Gurpal, Pavitra Punia, Rubina Dilaik, Abhinav Shukla, Jaan Kumar Sanu, Nikki Tamboli, Nishant Singh Malkani among others.
Have a Look at the Bigg Boss 14 Contestants:
Jasmin Bhasin
Aapne inhe dekha naagin ke roop mein, phir dekha khatron se ladte hue, magar ab shuru hoga asli game! @jasminbhasin welcome to #BB14.#BiggBoss14GrandPremiere #BiggBoss2020 #BiggBoss14 @BeingSalmanKhan
— COLORS (@ColorsTV) October 3, 2020
Nikki Tamboli
Sara Gurpal
Pavitra Punia
Rubina Dilaik
Abhinav Shukla
Nishant Singh Malkani
Jaan Kumar Sanu
Shehzad Deol
Rahul Vaidya
Eijaz Khan
Are you guys excited to see them in Bigg Boss 14 House? Let us know.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14 Grand Premier: Hina Khan to control contestants’ utilities, Sidharth Shukla will rule the Bedroom and Gauahar Khan takes overs the Kitchen
(Souce: Twitter-ColorsTV)