Superstar Salman Khan hosted show Bigg Boss 14 is heading towards its finale. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to bring new twists and turns in the show. Currently, the show is witnessing connection week wherein housemates friend and family members has entered the house to support them.
In last night episode, Abhinav Shukla got evicted from the show. Now, in the upcoming episode, we will see Ticket to finale task wherein all housemates along with their connections go against each other to win the task.
The Contestants and their connections will leave no stone unturned to be the first finalist for Bigg Boss 14. In the new promo, Nikki Tamboli and Rahul Vaidya seen getting into nasty argument during ticket to finale task.
Meanwhile, as per latest reports of India Forums, Rubina Dilaik has won the ticket to the finale. The reports further stated that as she is nominated by Bigg Boss, she will be asked to save someone else and as a result of which she will save Nikki Tamboli.
(Image Source: Twitter-Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV)