Salman Khan hosted show Bigg Boss 14 is all set for it’s finale week. The contestants are giving tough competition to each other to reach the finale. The show will soon witness the entry of six former Bigg Boss contestants as Challengers in the house. In recent episode, Bigg Boss has announced the elimination task.
During the task, Jasmin and Aly has pressed the buzzer after about 57 minutes which was beyond the given timing. And, now the two are in the risk of elimination from the show, and one of them has to leave the house this week. In the upcoming episode, Bigg Boss will ask Jasmin and Aly to decide between themselves who will leave the house.
As per reports in media, Aly Goni is evicted from the show. Now there is another shocking news from Bigg Boss14 house, as per reports Kavita Kaushik is also out from the Salman Khan hosted show.
The twitter handle named TheRealKhabri reported that Kavita Kaushik has walked out of the house herself. The page further reported, “#EXCLUSIVE #BiggBoss Grilled contestants for Constant Rule Breaks in the house and opened mainGate by asking if u are not serious u must leave #KavitaKaushik walked out of the house.”
EXCLUSIVE #KavitaKaushik walked out of the house Herself
— The Khabri (@TheRealKhabri) December 1, 2020
#EXCLUSIVE #BiggBoss14 #BiggBoss Grilled contestants for Constant Rule Breaks in the house and opened mainGate by asking if u are not serious u must leave#KavitaKaushik walked out of the house
— The Khabri (@TheRealKhabri) December 1, 2020
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 14: Nikki-Kavita Targets Rubina & Abhinav during task; They Calls out couple for ‘faking’ divorce story to be in the game
(Source: Twitter-TheRealKhabri)