Colors TV popular reality show Bigg Boss is all set to return on television with its 14th season aka Bigg Boss 2020. The channel has recently released the first teaser of the show ‘Bigg Boss 2020‘ featuring Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to make this season as big a hit as the previous one.
The show is creating lot of Buzz on social media leaving fans excited for the new season. Just few days back, designer Ashley Rebello gave us the glimpse of host Salman Khan‘s looks for the show. It showed only the back of the actor, but now he has revealed Salman‘s complete look for the show. The actor dressed in a navy blue t-shirt, layered with a jacket, seen smiling for the camera while posing. Salman Khan looks dashing in this new look for Bigg Boss 14.