Former Bigg Boss contestant Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who entered the BB 14 house as Eijaz Khan‘s proxy, was recently got evicted from the show due to less votes by viewers. During her stay inside the house, the actress has grabbed lot of attention, from her fights to her equation with co-contestants. On the other hand, many people, celebs criticized her for being a wrong proxy for Eijaz.
As reported by Times of India, Devoleena
lashes out at critics and said that
Eijaz, however had never expressed his disappointment over her selection as his proxy. The
Saath Nibhaana Saathiya actress said, “I know
Eijaz Khan was one of the finalists for the season but he had to leave the house for personal reason and I entered as his proxy. I gave my best and could make it to last weekend. And I played the game more carefully, putting in my best as I was responsible for someone else’ win. Everyone wants to win for themselves but playing and winning for someone, especially with whom you have no connection with, is rare and difficult. But I’m very fortunate to have got this chance and I really wanted to make him win.”
She further said, “After my eviction I learned many people, either on social media or at different platforms, had criticised me. But I’m glad that Eijaz respected my game, and had shown no disappointment towards me. We are yet to meet and talk though.”
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 14: Devoleena calls Rubina Dilaik ‘Cunning’ saying ‘Duniya ki saari back-biting wohi karti hai’; She says Nikki Tamboli is an ill-behaved person
(Image Source: Twitter-Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV)