Actor Ajay Singh Chaudhary, who was recently seen in the web series Crackdown, is currently following the reality show Bigg Boss 14. The actor feels that the show hosted by superstar Salman Khan, should bring back the commoner vs celebrity combination.
Before BB 13, 3 seasons of Bigg Boss was of commoner vs celebrity concept. Commoners like Manveer Gurjar and Manu Punjabi has entertained viewers a lot in their season. Now, popular actor Ajay Singh Chaudhary expressed his desire to see that commoner vs celebrity format back again on the controversial reality show Bigg Boss.
Speaking about the same to a leading portal, Ajay quoted saying, “I liked the seasons where there were commoners and celebrities. It was a good combination. But it’s not bad also that all the contestants are from showbiz. We get to know them more and more through this reality show and we get to see their real side which we can’t see in general life. So, it’s good. But I quite liked the thought of mixing commoners and celebrities. There was a lot of contrast and conflict. I think the show makers should try that again.”
While talking about the ongoing season 14 of Bigg Boss, Ajay feels that BB 14 contestant Eijaz Khan can be a surprise package for the viewers. He said, “One of my favourite contestants is Eijaz Khan and he is a friend also. I think he will be the ‘chupa rustam’ for the public. Besides him, I think Jasmin Bhasin is good. She is doing well.”
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14: Shubharambh’s Akshit Sukhija praises ‘Toofani senior’ Sidharth Shukla; Says, ‘He’s my favourite, I like people who are not double-faced’
(Source: TellyChakkar)