Every seasons of reality show Bigg Boss have family week in which contestants family members enters the house. Bigg Boss 13, Siddharth Shukla‘s Mother, Paras Chhabra‘s Girlfriend invited to enter the house for Family Week.
As per the sources, invitations were sent to family members and relatives of every contestants. Like Paras Chhabra‘s girlfriend Akanksha Puri invited, Shehnaz Gill‘s father Santok Singh and Siddharth Shukla‘s Mother invited. Every contestants family members will be entering the Bigg Boss house this week.
Controversial Reality show Bigg Boss 13 is reportedly going to rope in family members. And relatives of the contestants locked inside the house.
Rashami Desai‘s brother or mother, Asim Riaz‘s Brother or Dad. Arti Singh‘s brother Krushna Abhishek or sister-in-law Kashmeera Shah, Shefali Jariwala‘s husband Parag. Paras Chhabra‘s girlfriend Akanksha Puri. Shehnaaz Gill father Santok Singh or brother. These are the ones being invited for family week. Let’s wait for the episode, To see who’s going enter the house from contestants family.
It will be interesting to see who turns up inside the house. And brings in a new edge to the show. Family members entering the Bigg Boss house is not a new concept on the show. Family week happens on the reality show almost every season. And brings in an fresh and unseen perspective for the housemates playing inside, away from what is happening outside.