Bigg Boss 13 contestants family members including comedian Krushna Abhishek Aka Arti Singh‘s brother. Umar Riaz, Shehnaz Gill‘s Father and Parag Tyagi will enter the Bigg Boss 13 house.
Bigg Boss 13 fans, who were desperately waiting for this season’s family week, their wait has finally come to an end. During family week, the relatives or lovers of contestants visit Bigg Boss house. There were many speculations about the family members who will visit Bigg Boss House. Including some of the reports claiming that Rashami Desai‘s mother will not enter whereas Paras Chhabra‘s girlfriend Akanksha Puri will be there. But, the names are finally out.
As shown in the recent preview of the show last night (January 14) episode of Bigg Boss 13. Arti Singh brother Krushna Abhishek, Shehnaz Gill‘s father Santokh Singh and Mahira Sharma‘s mother will be seen entering the Bigg Boss house in tonight’s (January 15) episode.
According to the latest reports, Siddharth Shukla‘s mother, Rashami, Asim Riaz and Vishal Aditya Singh‘s brothers. Madhurima Tuli‘s mother and Shefali Jariwala‘s husband Parag Tyagi will visit the Bigg Boss house. Bigg Boss fans were expecting that Paras girlfriend Akanksha will enter BB 13 to confront him. However that is not happening as his mother will be in the house for the special task.
The visit of the family members will be spread across two episodes. Five will visit on January 15 and other five on January 16 episodes.